Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Didn't update much nowadays due to busy with work...last time busy with temp job but now gonna be busy with permanent job....i had fun working at my temp job, but too bad i got to leave them. kinda sad cause they taught me alot of things and all the staff are nice. the permanent or the senior temp don't mind sharing their knowledge. btw i make 4 new friends. whenever we talked, i felt like i've known them for years when it is only for a week. i'm glad to have a friends like them. TAKE CARE MY FRIENDS, I WON'T FORGET YOU! can't tell you much bout my perm job cause i haven't actually start the job as in hands on. soon i'll update more. oh ya, this sunday, i'm having raya outing with my bestest friends. yahoo! atlast we meet. it's been month. can't wait for it.

Shima is her name


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