Monday, June 29, 2009
Otw to Kuala Lumpur 
Our Hotel
View from our room Lost!
2nd day: Going to Masjid India

Showing off his new shade..Oakley

Waiting for LRT
At Masjid India
Too thirsty..hahaha
Waiting for train, going to KLCC

Yummy! waffles from A&W

3rd Day

Had a relaxing trip with my mum and bro...When we reached there, we heard news bout our King of Pop, Michael Jackson and our old Charlie's Angels actress Farrah Fawcett passed away. I was shocked with the news and may they rest in peace...
Michael Joseph Jackson

Farrah Leni Fawcett
Monday, June 22, 2009
I miss my gfs's been a long time we didn't meet...what to do, everything changed! some busy with schools and some busy with works..whereas for me, forever bumming at home...hopefully, my gfs are fine and doing well with life...
My mentel girl, Maziah

My advisor, Sonia
My dancing queen, Mai Sarah
My athlete, Aziyana
Miss you so much...
Friday, June 12, 2009
I msg you to ask bout your health and all...cause I miss you so much...but then, you think i msg you cause of other stuff...I felt very hurt when you said that cause I didn't think of that at could you? you already left me and now you think like that when I msg you...every single time, i wish and hope that you'll change, but I guess it won't happen...thanks for everything you've done for me....
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Didn't update much for the past days cause i'm just plain lazy to update anything...i barely go out from the house so i don't have anything fun to update..
Last Fri and Sat i've been working like hell...actually on Fri works was okie until it was the end of the event...we worked at Jalan Kampung Chantek, which i heard alot of stories that had happened that there during the old times...Mum was laughing when i told her that i'm working there..while working, i did felt something was staring at me when i was alone in the kitchen but i just ignored and continued working...
Last Sat, work was so so so tiring...came early to help out setting up the much to do and it need to be perfectly done...the most irritating part was when their dogs is so KEPO! where ever we were, there's the dog...but both of them are cute named Panda and Gilbert...hahahha...overall, the event was superb perfect!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Well actually i have nothing to blog about...cause i've done nothing but working or sit at home only..hahahaha...damn my life is so lame and BORING!!well, i've been tagged to do a quiz by here it is:
-Besides lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss ?; cheeks or forehead..
- How do you feel when you wake up this morning ?; tired and sleepy -_-
- Who was the last person you took photo with ?; erm...i forgot..hahaha
- Would you consider yourself to be spoiled ?; well, last time, NO!
- Would you ever donate blood ?; erm, no...not yet..
- Have you ever had a bestfriend who was the opposite sex?; duh!of course!
- Do you want someone dead ?; yes...hahaha(joking)...of course no lah...
- What does the last message say ?; erm, nothing :)
- What are you thinking right now ?; when will i get a job??erm, how i wish i'm in poly now!
- Do you wish someone with you right now ?; yes....i guess so??
- What time you went to bed last night ?; i can't remember..sorry!
- Where did you buy the T-shirt that you're wearing now ?; i get it for FREE!!!
- Is someone in your mind ?;!
- Who was the last person who texted you ?; fahdil..hehehehe
* 10 people to do this quiz.1:Shima 2:Heidi 3:Sonia 4:Naz 5:Nora 6:Nadia 7:Adli8:Lina 9:Seri 10:Shida
-Who is number 2 having relationship with ?; cousin!
- Is 3 female or male ?; female lah..
- If 7 & 10 get together, would it be a good thing ?; erm...i guess so..maybe...i don't know..hahahah
- What is 1 studying about ?; Accountancy
- When was the last time you chat with 5 ?; i can't remember.
- is 4 Single ?; nope...she's not..
- Say something about 2 ?; she's a great person, funny and who loves to eat alot..hehehe...sorry babe!
- What do you think about 3 & 6 being together ?; stop it eh!!!both are ladies...
- Describe 9 .; erm, i don't know her that well...sorry!
- What will you do if 6 & 7 fight ?; i don't think they will fight...cause they don't know each other..hahahaha
- Do you like 8?; yeah...she's a good friend!