Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Last Sat, i went to watch movie with Fahdil...we watched 'Unborn'...well, the show was okie...scary due to the suspend part and the sound..hahaha..most of the time, i just close my eyes (sorry fahdil if i waste your money)hahaha..seriously i hate the shocking part...there's one part, Fahdil shout but luckily he didn't drop the popcorn..i was laughing all the way..hahaha..very cute lah...well Fahdil, thanks for the movie treat..appreciate it alot!
Today, went to JB with mummy, auntie and uncle...it was our first time going there when the CIQ open..so we were all so blur...when reach there, we had argument with the malaysian officer..actually, it was only me who argued with them..hahaha...i was sooooo pissed off with them lah..i have never come across to pay 'cukai' for clothes..WTH!!they didn't put any notice suddenly they wanna charge us...i was do f***ed up lah..i just don't understand them..luckily, my uncle was there to calm me down and cheer me up...foo...but whatever it is, i still enjoy my trip with my love ones...
So people, tmr is 'result day'...and im sooooo dead!!
I'm so nervous, insyallah i pass..
Good luck Ummi and also my friends out there!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Last mon to wed, i went to my class chalet...i really had fun and really enjoyed myself with my friends...the first night was alright, the others went out for awhile and left only Mai, Sonia, Mazi and myself..we chilled and walked around the beach..while walking at the beach..we saw some thing thin white thingy sticking out from the sea...it was very very gross..yucks!so all of us assume it's a worm..eeewww!!!so we scream and ran back to shore..so as the time past and the others were back, we played card games...firstly, we were playing 'heart-attack' and it seem that Mai really enjoyed herself cause she can't stop laughing and kept throwing the cards..hahaha...secondly, we played 'swine'..didn't know if you guys heard it before..but it was a fun game ever to play..all of us stayed up til 3.30 am..imagine that..hahaha..
Second day was the fun day ever..guess what?!we rented a bicycle and we cycle out from Paris Ris Park to nearest mall to buy some extra stuff..eventhough the distance was not that far, still we really enjoyed it...evening came, all of us was excited cause we having BBQ!!well, we really took our time to start the fire..hahaha..but atlast, we get to BBQ...Mdm Salinah came with her husband and son,Bilal..her son is sooooo cute..kept asking for balloons cause all the balloons he got will burst in just a few mins..haha..but let me tell you, his english is way better then mine..all the way, he speak in english...very good!!when we were about to end the BBQ, Khalzi came with a 'Malaysian' look (this is what Sonia's said)hahaha...so we offered him some foods and he cleaned the BBQ pit..hahaha...that night, i was so pissed cause i totally lost my voice, i got a bad bad muscle cramp and i'm having worst flu ever..after eating some med, Mazi accompanied me to sleep..cause of the muscle cramp, i couldn't sleep at all..the worst was that, im soooooo weak that i couldn't carry myself up...so the only thing that i did was to cry...and i complained to Sonia..well, thanks to Sonia and Mai, they really accompanied me until i sleep...and also thanks to Mazi, who slept without me knowing...hahahha...
Third day, nothing much happen...we were all getting ready to booked out from that place..so had our breakfast, the guy checked here and there...and tadaa...we out from that chalet..so home sweet home for us...will update pics once Mai pass it..
Friday, March 20, 2009
well, it's been a while that i didn't update my blog...cause i didn't do any fun things for the past days..guess what??!!im feeling happy for my bestgf that she getting back with her bf..hahaha..she sound very very happy..congrats!now she got to pray hard so thather dad can accept the bf again...
oh well, now im feeling very very sad...i hope everything will turn back to normal like last time..i really really hope so...please!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Today is my fifth day of holiday..i think i need to get used of sitting at home..i hardly go out cause no money..hahaha..ckp aje ade keje part-time but then nobody call..haiz haiz..
oh oh, last Sat, i went to Admiralty with Mazi..we went there to celebrate holi with Mai and Sonia..it was fun!our face covered with colours...cool kan..well it's my first time, so the girls bully me lah by putting colours on my face..but i don't mind cause i did the same thing to them..hahaha..after the event, we went to Sonia's house to clean ourself..turn by turn to take shower..when it's my turn, i had a hard time scrubbing the colours off my face..and i was like saying "shit!the colours tak kluar..how to go home and how to go jemputan tmr..im dead!" hahaha..seriously the colour stay..i really don't know what to do..so Sonia gave me a towel and asked me to scrub my face so hard and luckily the colours did went out..but some still stay..so that's how i spent my Saturday with my bestgfs!LOVE AND MISS YOU GIRLS ALOT!
p.s: Mazi and Mai..hang in there..i wish could help in anyways..just pray hard and i hope everything will settle soon k..oo..i feel im the worst friend!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
HELLO HELLOwell, officially today is my last day of school...exams over and all..no more stress..but the saddest thing is that I'm gonna miss my friends and teachers..alot of things happen in school and now all of that gonna be memories..boo hoo..so sad kan :(so last monday, i had my accounting exam..i guess i do quite okie..not that confident cause i didn't get to balance some of the qns...but luckily i finish the paper on time..and today, i had my auditing exam and it SUCKS!i had trouble with the last qns and i hate it...seriously..shockingly, i couldn't balance my bank rec..i was putting hopes on that qns..overall, im ooookie lah with the qns..hahaha..i hope atleast i get C or D..but not fail cause i don't want to repeat it..btw today, i felt relieved!since today is the last day of school, i manage to have a heart to heart talk with gfs...but seriously girls, im really really really sorry...btw i forgot to mention something..im very thankful to have a friend like you all..you girls have been patient with my attitude for a long long time and i really appreciate that you all are still with me no matter what...thanks you and sorry once again..i hope you all forgive me...OMG! i feel like crying now..seriously, i felt really really bad after recalling back the past year...p/s: I LOVE YOU GIRLS :)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
OH MY GOSH!!i can't believe that tmr is my Accounting Exam...it gonna be my last and only hope..im starting to be nervous and scare..every exams, my mind will go blanked cause im too nervous...hope tmr it won't be blank!hope i can finish up the paper in 3 qns in 2 1/2 hours...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Nowadays im sooo into Korean Dramas...the actors/actress is sooo freaking hot and pretty...love them so much
especially Lee Min Ho, who acted in Boys Over Flowers...

p.s: you all should watch the dramas..very romantic..
Friday, March 6, 2009
well...today is my last day of school..i can't believe it man!oh my, seriously i really can't imagine it...i've been schooling there for 3 yrs and soon no more ITE for me...i'm gonna miss my best girlfriends ever!they're the best of the best..soon, no more laughter, lame jokes(mostly make by Sonia..hahaha), comments on people we like/dislikes and alot more...we have been sharing alot of things and soon we going on separate ways...but no matter what, we still gonna contact and meet up like usual..i can't bear parting myself with them...

miss chilling outside class

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Had a wonderful dinner with family ytd...eat seafood at Newton..woohoo!!we had chilli crab, nestum prawn, kangkong belacan, sweet&sour chicken, sotong char kuey and alot more...guess what?!after the dinner we went to Sembawang Shopping just to 'lepakz lepakz' at Starbucks and cut the birthday cake...here's the pic!!
this bun nice to eat with chilli crab!