Saturday, November 29, 2008
Woke up early in the morning at 7 just to watch Quantum of Solace with my uncle and his family together with Nur as they get free tickets from their took the train at 8.30 and reached harbourfront exactly 9.30...i thought im gonna be up with Nur at harbourfront and we went up together..saw my uncle and wife...before salam them, my uncle asked me and Nur to take a picture as there were a booth for free ape lagi...kita amek gambar lah..pose sane sini...kinda fun but theni back out and left Nur to pose alone..hahaha..overall the show was oookie lah...alot of talking and actions..then we walked around vivo...but halfway i left them as im meeting up with manda...we plan to watch Wild Child...the show is girls need to watch that show...btw manda cried during the sad part...i cant stop laughing seh..cant believe that she too thats what i do for today...will update pics soon!btw THANKS Cik Lan for bringing me to the movie...i really appreciate and enjoy it!Lovely couple of the day!
and not to forget!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Last Saturday, i took my BTT test and sadly i failed it...but i dont feel a thing when i saw the trying to be sad but i ended up laughing and smiling when i told mummy the result...after the BTT test, we make our way to Aliff to had our breakfast...but we ended up eating at Air Pasang cause Aliff was full of people..i had apom(yummy yummy) and mummy had after breakfast, we walked around at Bukit Gombak cause it been ages we didnt walked around there...i missed the place so much...mummy and myself start to remember the old good after that we make our way to mrt stn to go chilled at home for awhile and at 1.30pm i start to prepare myself to meet up with Ria at Wlds Interchange..we going to Bedok Interchange to meet up with Fahdil and his bro(sorry dont know his name ah)...reach at chalet..saw manda and i hugged her tightly cause we didnt meet each other for like 3 weeks...missed going out and gossip around with her...chilled there and we really enjoyed at 8, Ria and myself make our way back home and Fahdil and friends was so kind to sent us by bike to Bedok Interchange...hehe..soon gonna upload some pic that we took at chalet...bye pretty people!sorry manda muka kena crop..haha

ugly face of mine!
fahdil and me
Friday, November 21, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008
SUNDAYZOO here we come!!!hahaha...went to zoo with Mazi,Mai,Effah,Sonia and Sonia's family...we were all excited for the been ages since i went there..missed the animal and the environment eventhough it stink...well sad thing, that we cant see the white tigers as there were incident happen...sad sad...actually my purpose to go there is to see the white tigers..we visited almost of the enclosure...and we took some pictures too!
Mazi forever with that pose!

Went to Botanical Garden for wedding event with Ria...i'm so happy cause i never been there before..haha...the event was held at Burkill Hall..and as usual me and Ria lost our way..we been walking round and round for several times just to find that we gave up and asked people...and we found out that the hall was just behind at where we both of us laughed as we felt so stupid and dumb! reached at the event place, saw our lovely supervisor AZ...haha..missed working with we got changed...and had our briefing and also we received a mask..finish with our last setup and touch up...and the event start...everything there was nicely and beautifully done for the wedding...dress for the bride is so beautiful but it kinda irritating as the veil is too long and nobody is there to help to carry the veil for serving the V.I.P tables with my blue mask..the family members are so so so fussy...want this and that lah especially the groom side...but still had fun working and enjoy wearing the mask eventhough it stain my face...took taxi with Ria and home sweet home...
Monday, November 10, 2008
TODAYtoday school start at 11 and end at woke up at 9, today weather was kinda it was raining non-stop til now...prepared myself and went to mrt stn to meet up with Mazi..ceh ceh ceh, org tu pakai slipper seh g per normal, we alight at Admiralty to meet up with Sonia and Mai...board another train and meet up with Zizi at Yishun..seriously ppl, that is our normal routine during school time...haha...reached school and went straight to canteen to ate our went to computer room to have our Computerised Accounting lesson....while doing the accounts, suddenly had a msg from him saying that his hp spoilt and he cant msg me...boohoo...boring!so i continued doing my accounts and found out that my ans is way way different from the rest...there is where i start to panic and stress out...Mai tried her best to help me with my accounts but it still i gave up!!save whatever i've done and shut down the school end and all of us make our way to mrt stn...but the boring part is that i need to go to Eunos just to pass event order to Panil..mcm org bodoh kan...passed the paper and went home straight as im too thats all for now...toodles!!SUNDAYWent to JB with Mum, Cik Som, Cik Lan and Nur...we meet up at S'pore custom then chop chop our passport and yeah we reached JB...took a bus from custom to Larkin...Mum wanna collect her baju and also nak tempah for another 3 more kain..haiyo..Cik Som also wanna tempah baju but hers was 5 helai kain...was waiting at that shop for like nearly 1 walked around Larkin and we took bus to Bandar..hahaha...actually bus to City Square, wondering why they called it Bandar whereas everything looked the reached at City Square, we went straight to Kenny Rogers to have our lunch..YIPPEE...i was soooooo freaking happy as S'pore Kenny Rogers is not HALAL...stupid lah..make it Halal and i will surely eat there for sure...after having a wonderful meal, we went SHOPPING!!!!hahaha....dah penat shopping, all of us felt tired and we planned to sit down to have our 'teh'at SARABAT shop...the 'teh' was not bad, it's not too sweet not too it was okie okie...all of us had a couple round of 'teh'..hehe..looked at the time it was already 7.30 we took of from there and make our way to the custom...after chop chop the passport went down to ride a my surprised, dah ramai org ngah line up nak naik all of us selit2 and we got in the bus..happy happy..dah sampai S'pore lak...we kena check check by the police...luckily i didnt buy any illegal stuff from JB cause the checking was Cik Lan and Cik Som took 160 bus to Kranji and Mum, TNur and myself took 950 home sweet home...SATURDAY
Went out from home at 8 am sharp as i got to be at Taka at 9 am...reach town and went straight to Taka, it was sooooo quiet seh...and it felt really called Panil cause i dont know where the event held...and Panil nya pandai, die cume bilang aku event held at B1...dgr2 B1 ade 1 kedai called him again...and he told me to go to loading and unloading went there to meet Khairwan cause he sent all the stuff for me to set up...but kurang ajar nya security guard, die halau aku kluar..kurang asam called Panil again but this time im totally pissed off already...bloody ass...bingit seh..ngah bingit2, vincent called saying that the organiser already made a at 10 i quickly set up the things with my other two staff Atika and Wirda...event was BORING!!!we were supposed to served the invited guest only but some only turned most of the time we sat at the back and gossip around...after the whole event finished...aku punya suay...aku kena stayed over cause Arneez belum sampai to pick up the waited, waited,waited and waited for 2 1/2 hrs..baru Arneez sampai...aku punya bingit!!!!he took the things and guess what?!i need to go to Fernhill Rd just to take my pay! like already cursing seh...aku dah penat tunggu org then now kena g tmpt lain psl nak amek gaji lak...irritating seh...seriously it was my bad plan to accompany mum to jemputan was cancelled, my plan to meet him was also cancelled...i hope this wont happen again please!!!!FRIDAY Went to padang with Zizi and Lisa to watch Mai's performance...but we were too early so went to LJS for our late lunch...then went back to padang, three of us perspired as the weather was freaking hot!saw alot of 'botak' guys and 1 of them is Helmi...hehe..he looked funny with his 'botakhead' prefer him with hair...haha..well around the game station and we saw our irritating friend Ahmad Khalzi...then Mazi called me saying that she couldnt find us so i got to go to far back just to meet up with we sat down at padang and watch Mai's awesomeness performance....GO TOTO!!haha, thats what we shouted to her...shall update some pics soon...BREATHE

Mazi muka kena crop nampak...huahahaha!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
RULE #1 - People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 - Tag 4 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. Do you have secrets?
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
- i dont think so
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
- yeah baby!
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
- donate some,spend on things that needed and save for the future
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
-erm..maybe..not sure..
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- being loved by someone
7. List out your 5 favourite songs:
- 1. I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
-2. Tell me somethng by Selena Gomez
-3. Womanizer by Britney Spears
-4. Damaged by Danity Kane
-5. Give It to me by Madonna
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- nothing much i can do...
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
- everyday im happy
10. What makes you angry?
- when im not in the mood
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
- i will see myself in a white wedding gown
12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
- family and friends
13. What is the most important thing in life right now?
- studies
14. how many kids you want?
- i want 2 kids 1 boy and 1 girl
15. What is your favourite colour?
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
- it depends how deeply inlove i am
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- the better man or maybe none of them
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
- i might forgive but i wont forget
19. What do you want to tell the someone you like?
- hey, i like you ah
20. 4 people I have tagged:
- naz, sha'ban, lina, nadiah
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ytd went out with mum, bro and kak hilwa...went to Sim Lim sSuare to buy camera then we went to Bugis, my bro wanna searched for engagement ring for his 'future wife' feel wierd thinking that my bro wanna get engaged...but ytd they just choose a ring because kak hilwa finger was too small for the ring they chose....
after walking around at bugis we went to Newton baby!!!its been a long time since i step my foot there to eat...SEAFOOD!!!i love seafood so much that i kept on smiling when eating...hahaha...bro ordered sambal kangkong, chilli crab(yum yum!), sambal sotong and black pepper love it so much..especially CRAB!!!i kept on eating and cracking up the shell...i dont care what people wanna say bout me cause im so into the crab...super yummy!after the wonderful meal, we went to CWP cause bro wanna buy some biscuit as he starting his work again...syukur alhamdulilah that he recovered from his accident...but he still limping when he walk..its okie soon he gonna walk as normal..hope off we went home happily with our full stomach...thats all..