Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Had a wonderful day at ITE Yishun...ytd was the extreme sport/fiesta!!the race was good!!we didnt regret for joining the race as we had total fun...running was okie but i pancit easily..oh shima,you totally need to start exercising again..need to get back all the after running we had our nature trail...we were so semangat and we really feeling2 like as if we in the survivor game when we in the jungle..hahaha..our shoes were all dirty thanks to the muds and mai nearly kiss the ground when she slide down a slope...lucky you mai!well,after those dirty walk thru the 'jungle' we do canal look fun and easy but actual it was tiring as we need to pull ourself using a rope...i nearly give up as my gloves making it slippery but thanks to mai for giving me her you!so next it was archery, shafeer did it as all of us was totally tired and cant even put up out hands and lastly low obstacle was easy cause the challange was for us to balance and walk on logs...after that, we ran back to the finishing line and our time was 2hr 55mins...not bad guys!so we girls clean ourselves and meet up with the others...guess what i saw feer...and he were like smiling and wanna a hug...wth!so my girls and myself watched the concert and there were hip hop comp...our bishan SC joined it and they were great..after the comp,we girls walked to the mrt stn and we went h...overall i really had fun with my teammates and my you girls!!cant walk too much as my mucles cramp!
Monday, October 13, 2008
school reopen up with my girls at admiralty and went to school together...actually i wasnt looking forward for school as i didnt enjoy much during my feel so suck!but still, my girls were there to brighten up my you girls..otw to school, bishan was already raining heavily and i didnt bring my umbrella..but thanks to my sweet strawberry friend,Mazi, she shared umbrella with me...reached school we went straight to com lab and had our computerised accounting lesson but lesson end early cause it's our 1st day and we dont have books so off we went for our lunch...had rice for lunch..but it suck cause i cant finish it due to my sore throat (stupid sore throat!!!)so i threw it away..what a waste!nxt lesson was audit theory taught by Mrs Lam our costing teacher...again lesson end early cause everyone ws very lazy to after lesson my classmates stayback cause we got class meeting about this race thingy that opens to certain ITE...there's 2 race to join, extreme sport and treasure Lisa,Mazi,Sonia,Gaiya and Salim join the treasure hunt while Zizi,Mai,Shafeer and myself join extreme sport..etreme sport sound kinda cool and also i miss doing sport cause i've been doing it during my secondary school life and now i kinda looking forward for this i hope none of my team members back thats all for now...

yesterday had an event at Ngee Ann City for Calvin Klein fashion show...event end early as all the guests were concentrating more on the clothes than us who's bringing the foods and drinks...after worked Taufiq,Aziz and myself walked to Cineleisure while Afiq parked his bike at the carpark..the saddest thing is that Afiq kena surmon for parking at the pathway behind Ngee Ann..he was half frustrated and half worried cause he didnt have enough money to pay for it...then we went to play pool.. Fahdil,Manda and Khai joined us...after playing pool we plan to watch movie..Nahar and Zahid came last min to joined we watch Eagle Eye....the show was great but the ending wasnt that good....after the show, Taufiq,Fahdil and myself went home as we were tired and also catching the last train...overall i had a wonderful day eventhough i was cranky due to lack of sleep...and also im HAPPY cause i get to met that someone :)
Friday, October 10, 2008
I enjoyed celebrating my Hari Raya...they make my day!